The veins expand constantly, and will also destroy structures which they come into contact with, though the expansion can be blocked with concrete walls.

Vehicles that are not affected by the veins include the Wolverine, Attack Buggy, Hover MLRS, Harvester, and Weed eater. Tiberium veins will continuously attack any vehicles that drive over them, but will not harm infantry (excepting jump jet infantry, due to their heavy equipment). What appeared to be dead veins can be seen on the ground of many newly-classified Red Zones, however. Whether it was due to GDI's Tiberium abatement effort or due to Tiberium's mutation into a different form is unclear. Living veinholes were not seen following the Firestorm Conflict. The Brotherhood of Nod was able to harvest them using weed eaters and weaponize them the form of Chemical missiles, which release the same corrosive gas as the veinholes when detonated. The veins were apparently composed of solidified Tiberium gas. However, the veinhole possesses a defense mechanism - when attacked, it emits clouds of highly concentrated Tiberium gas, which can corrode nearby vehicles and kill infantry. Once the central mass is destroyed, the remaining veins would wither and slowly die. Smaller units, such as infantry and light vehicles, can usually cross a vein field before succificently agitating the veins. Veinholes were highly agitated by vibrations and kinetic energy, and would attempt to tear apart the source of such disturbances using pseudopods formed from the vein materials. Gabriella Boudreau speculated that veinholes were similar to the Venus flytrap, and consume living tissue in order to spread their mass. There have been many reports of living creatures being torn apart by the veins, and it was rumored that these carcasses would then be moved to the central mouth and consumed. Their vein spread in a manner similar to Tiberium, originating from a large central mass with several animal aspects, including what appears to be a "mouth". The exact nature of veinholes is unclear, though it is believed that they were mutated flora.